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Right now, Walgreens has Walgreens Face Masks Mix & Match 3 for $5 and you’ll get $5 back in Walgreens Cash!
As long as youβre logged it should automatically apply the discount!
Additional Discounts
Plus, you can use the promo code NEW10 to save an extra 10% off, making this a money maker deal! (Note no other discount codes will work with this only βNEW10β.)
You must be a myWalgreens member and logged in for this deal to work.
Be sure to verify the $5 W Cash amount shows at checkout (see screenshot below) before placing your order.
You end up making money off this deal
You pay $4.80 cents and get $5.20 cents in cash back. Its a pretty good deal to make $.40 cents and get free face masks. (its free because you get cash back and who doesnβt run into Walgreens every know and then? So you will end up using it.)
Stock up while you can! Direct link to all the facesheet masks below! ππΎ
This Post Was Filed Under: Deals
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