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Right now, Taco Bell is offering a promotion where you can claim either a soft taco, a Doritos taco or a beefy five layer burrito. The choice is yours!
How to claim?
As you see, in the video of all you need to do is create an account download the app go over to rewards and claim your reward.
No purchase required! At all!!
Your free food offer can be located under My Rewards in the app.
Download and create your account [ HERE ]
Additional freebie.
We also have an additional link to a free Doritos taco that is separate from this promotion. However, some stores are not carrying this, so you wonβt be able to order it online. Either way, itβs worth checking all you have to do is click the link after you create your account and youβll be directed to the free taco page. It is completely separate from this other promotion. You can find it [ here. ]
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebies
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