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Hanging up pictures without damaging walls using STAS!
You can get a FREE Picture Hanging System Sample Kit (regularly $10.65) with FREE Shipping when you use the promo code FBSKFS12 at checkout.
The set contains samples of: Rails, Hooks and Cords (see more below).
The hooks in the set will come in handy once you have ordered and installed your picture hanging system.
You’ll also receive a $5 off coupon.
No payment info needed.
Make sure to use code FBSKFS12 – to make it free!
About STAS
Hanging up a painting has never been easier than with a picture hanging rail from STAS picture hanging systems! STAS offers a complete range of wall hanging systems that allow you to hang and move your paintings, picture frames, art, mirrors, wall hangings, signs and many other types of wall dΓ©cor flexibly, easily and quickly. Whether you want to hang a painting on a concrete wall, drywall or brick wall, the patented STAS rail systems can be mounted on any type of wall or ceiling.
Sample Set Includes:
- Rails: STAS minirail, STAS cliprail pro / STAS multirail*, STAS cliprail max, STAS j-rail max, STAS prorail flat and STAS u-rail
- Hooks: STAS zipper and STAS smartspring
- Cords: STAS perlon cord with cobra and STAS steel cable with cobra
* STAS cliprail pro is identical to STAS multirail, except for the 12 V wires. Therefore, weβve included only one sample for both of these rail types.
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