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Get a FREE Wellness Whimzees Cat Treats! Just say to Alexa (any Alexa enabled device will work) “Ask Send Me a Sample for Whimzees” and follow any other prompts.
You have to Enable your Alexa Device Here.
This Post Was Filed Under: FreebiesTo receive a FREE Wellness Whimzees Cat Dental Treats sample, register for a Send Me a Sample account via the Amazon Alexa app by completing the necessary fields and confirming your email address.
Then, request “WHIMZEES” via your voice assistant by saying “Ask Send Me a Sample for Wellness Whimzees”. The cost of postage to send the free sample is fully included in the offer. No additional funds need to be paid by the user before the sample can be sent.
We are giving away 15,000 Wellness Whimzees Cat Dental Treats samples, which are restricted to 1 per Send Me a Sample user and 1 per physical address.
The campaign will last until all 15,000 samples have been claimed.
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