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Apple offers free workshops online for learning how to use their products and software. These workshops are available for iPhones, iPads, Macs, and Apple Watches.
Some of the classes include: Skills, Photo skills, Video skills, Music skills, Labs.
All for free
Apple also offers online, self-paced courses to learn about their technology. These courses include:
- App developer training
- IT training
- Proctored certification exams
- Verified digital badges
- In-depth training tutorials
For anyone or professionals
You follow guided exercises to gain the knowledge and skills you need to support and troubleshoot Apple devices in your organization or be the tech guru in your household.
Completing this will earn you an official you earn the Apple Certified Support Professional digital badge.
What is this certificate?
The Apple Certified Support Professional digital badge recognizes the knowledge needed to support and troubleshoot Apple devices in a large organization as a level 1 or 2 help desk professional
This will take you approximately 14hr 45min to complete.
Itโs completely free and can be done at your own pace.
Learn more with Apple
You can also learn how to build iOS apps at Apple 100% for free. There is no certification for this or exam afterwards but this one is still just as good. You can find it here.
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebie
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