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For a short period, anyone of any age can become a member of AARP for just $12 for the first year, with the annual fee rising to $16 thereafter. Plus, you’ll receive a FREE GIFT upon joining! Membership offers access to a wide array of discounts, programs, and services that cover numerous aspects of your life.
Opt for Automatic Renewal today and enjoy these savings:
• Pay only $12 today – that’s 25% off your first year with Automatic Renewal.
• Enjoy uninterrupted access to your benefits.
• It’s safe, secure, and you have the freedom to cancel anytime.
Here’s a snapshot of the benefits that come with your AARP membership:
• AT&T Discount: Save $10 per line on your AT&T plan with AARP! Personally, I save $30 a month with this deal.
• Health & Wellness Discounts: Enjoy discounts on prescription medications and up to 30% off on prescription eyewear.
• Travel Planning: Get vacation planning tips, guides, and exclusive discounts for your next trip.
• Everyday Savings: Find savings on shopping, food delivery services, restaurants, and more.
• Fraud Prevention: Access free scam alerts, a helpline, and tips to protect yourself against consumer fraud and identity theft.
• Advocacy: Benefit from AARP’s commitment to advocating on key issues like Social Security and Medicare.
And don’t forget about the FREE GIFT choices available to you.
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