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Looking for amazing hair care products at a steal? Bath & Body Works is offering all hair care products for just $5.95! Whether you’re looking to replenish your shampoo, conditioner, or styling products, this sale is the perfect opportunity to stock up on your favorites.
Use the promo code LOVELY to snag this deal. It’s available both in-store and online, and you can enjoy free store pickup when you order online!
How to Score $5.95 Hair Care at Bath & Body Works
Follow these easy steps to grab your favorite hair care products at Bath & Body Works for just $5.95.
1. Shop Online or In-Store: Browse Bath & Body Works’ collection of hair care products either online or in your local store.
2. Apply Promo Code: When shopping online, use the promo code LOVELY at checkout to bring the price of each hair care item down to $5.95.
3. Free Store Pickup: If ordering online, choose free store pickup for added convenience and avoid shipping costs.
4. Limit of 24 Per Customer: Stock up while you can—there’s a limit of 24 items per customer, so you can grab plenty of your favorite products at this amazing price.
• Shop Bath & Body Works Hair Care for $5.95 Here
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Deals
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