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Tryazon has another fantastic opportunity available! Apply now for the chance to receive 1 of 250 FREE Ravensburger – Oh My Pigeons Game Night Party Packs. If selected, you’ll get to host a memorable game night with friends and family, filled with exclusive goodies. Here’s what you can get:
Party Pack Contents:
• Oh My Pigeons Game
• Limited Edition Pigeon Plush Keychain
• Limited Edition Pigeon Enamel Pin
• Bonus Game: That’s Not a Hat: Pop Culture Edition
• That’s Not a Hat Promo Pack (for door prize)
• Party Host Guide to help you plan and carry out the party!
What is Tryazon?
Tryazon is a platform that connects brands with consumers by offering opportunities to host parties and try out new products for free. As a Tryazon host, you get to:
• Receive Free Products: Get complimentary products to use and keep.
• Host Parties: Plan and host fun gatherings where you can share these exciting products with friends and family.
• Share Your Experience: Provide feedback and share your experiences with the products on social media and Tryazon’s platform.
How to Apply:
1. Visit the Tryazon Application Page: Follow the link to apply for the party pack. [ APPLY HERE ]
2. Fill Out the Application: Provide your details and explain why you’d be a great host.
3. Wait for Selection: If chosen, you’ll receive the party pack and instructions on how to host your game night.
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to host a fun game night with exclusive Ravensburger games and goodies. Apply today and make lasting memories with your friends and family!
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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