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Oscar Mayer and Ripple Street are seeking 750 participants to join the Stuffed Dogs Chatterbox Program. If selected, you’ll receive Oscar Mayer products to try and share your honest feedback with your community. This is a great way to experience new items and enjoy some fun product testing with a well-known brand.
How to Apply:
- Visit Ripple Street’s Stuffed Dogs Chatterbox page here.
- Complete the application form by November 4, 2024.
- Wait for a selection notification to see if you’re chosen as one of the 750 testers.
What You’ll Receive:
Participants in the program will receive free samples of Oscar Mayer Stuffed Dogs and will be asked to share their experience, providing feedback through Ripple Street. The goal is to create genuine chatter about the product through social media and personal feedback.
Important Details:
- Application Deadline: November 4, 2024.
- Eligibility: Open to U.S. residents, must complete feedback requirements.
- Limited Spots: Only 750 participants will be selected.
Hurry and apply today to enjoy Oscar Mayer’s latest creations and share your experience with friends and family!
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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