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Tryazon has an exciting new opportunity! You can apply for the chance to receive one of 150 FREE Hypershot Face-Off Party Packs. If selected, you’ll get to host a fun event, try out the latest product, and keep it for free!
What’s Included in the Hypershot Face-Off Party Pack?
• 1 Hypershot Electronic Tabletop Hockey Game
• Party Host Guide to help you plan and host the perfect party
Why Apply with Tryazon?
Tryazon offers a fantastic way to try out new products and share them with friends and family. By hosting a party, you get to experience these exciting products in a fun and social way—and the best part? It’s completely free!
How to Apply:
1. Head over to Tryazon and apply for the Hypershot Face-Off Party. (Claim here)
2. If selected, you’ll receive your party pack valued at $20+.
3. Host the party, enjoy the game, and share your experience with friends and family!
Don’t miss this chance to get your hands on the Hypershot Electronic Tabletop Hockey Game and have a blast with your crew! Apply now and be part of the fun!
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Samples
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