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Calling all cheese lovers! Here’s your chance to apply for a FREE Mozza & Ricotta Cheese Making Kit. This is a unique opportunity to make delicious, fresh cheese right in your own kitchen. Simply complete the short application form on Butterly to be considered for this opportunity.
What’s Included in the Cheese Making Kit?
The Mozza & Ricotta Cheese Making Kit includes everything you need to make up to 40 batches of homemade cheese. You’ll be able to create authentic, artisan cheese from the comfort of your home, using simple ingredients and store-bought milk.
Traditionally, cheese making was a farm activity using fresh milk from cows, goats, sheep, or even buffalo. Nowadays, as most of us live in cities, we use conventional, pasteurized milk. But with this kit, you can become an “Urban Cheese Maker,” crafting your own mozzarella and ricotta using everyday store-bought milk.
How to Apply for the FREE Mozza & Ricotta Cheese Making Kit via Butterly
- Sign up or log in to your Butterly account. Butterly is a platform that offers product testing opportunities to everyday consumers, giving them a chance to try out products and share feedback.
- Fill out the short application form on the Butterly platform to be considered for this cheese-making kit.
- Check your Butterly dashboard regularly to see if you’ve been selected for this opportunity.
About Butterly
Butterly connects people with exciting new products and brands by offering free product testing opportunities. When you apply through Butterly, you can try new items, share your honest opinions, and even get access to fun and exclusive freebies, like this Mozza & Ricotta Cheese Making Kit!
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