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Baskin-Robbins is treating ice cream lovers to a sweet deal on August 14th, 2024. As part of their new Melt Insurance promotion, you can enjoy a free single scoop of ice cream – no strings attached. Whether your ice cream melts in the summer heat or not, Baskin-Robbins has you covered.
How It Works:
1. Download the BR App: Make sure you have the Baskin-Robbins app installed on your device. [here]
2. Create an Account: If you don’t already have an account, create one to take advantage of this offer.
3. Add to Cart: Select your favorite flavor and add a single scoop to your cart for pickup.
4. Apply Promo Code: Use the promo code MELT at checkout to redeem your free scoop.
Important Details:
• Date: The offer is valid for one day only on August 14th, 2024.
• No Proof Required: You don’t need to prove that your ice cream melted to claim this offer.
• Availability: This promotion is available through the Baskin-Robbins app, so be sure to download it and create an account before the 14th.
• Read more about this story here
This is a fun way to beat the heat and enjoy a cool treat. Whether your ice cream melts or not, Baskin-Robbins is making sure everyone gets to enjoy a free scoop! Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer.
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Samples
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