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Today, June 18th only, Smoothie King is offering a fantastic BOGO (Buy One, Get One) deal on smoothies! Buy any 20oz or larger smoothie and get a free 20oz smoothie.
How to Claim Your BOGO Smoothies
1. Join Healthy Rewards: Sign up for the free Healthy Rewards program if you aren’t already a member.
2. Visit Smoothie King: Head to your nearest Smoothie King location today.
3. Buy a Smoothie: Purchase any 20oz or larger smoothie.
4. Get Your Free Smoothie: Show your Healthy Rewards membership and get a free 20oz smoothie with your purchase.
Important Details
• Date: This offer is valid only on June 18th.
• Eligibility: You must be a Healthy Rewards member to redeem the BOGO offer. It’s free to join!
• Smoothie Sizes: The BOGO offer applies to 20oz or larger smoothies.
• Locations: Available at participating Smoothie King locations.
Don’t miss out on this delicious deal. Enjoy your favorite smoothies and get a free 20oz smoothie today!
JOIN HEALTHY REWARDS and take advantage of this offer!
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