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Spring forward March 10th!
(Reminder to set your clocks forward this Sunday, March 10th 2024!)
To compensate for “springing forward,” Burger King is offering a full week of deals, which it says is so its customers can “keep their week on track following the dreaded loss of an hour due to daylight savings.”
In the United States, clocks will “spring forward” at 2 AM local time on Sunday, March 10, 2024. This is part of the twice-annual time change that affects millions of Americans.
What is Spring Forward?
From Sunday, March 10 through Saturday, March 16, Burger King is offering one special each day, which will be available to its Royal Perks members. (And if you’re not already a Royal Perks member, you can easily sign up for free through the Burger King app or on the Burger King website.)
7 Days of Free Stuff
- Sunday (3/10) – Enjoy a free fan-favorite Croissan’wich with a purchase of $1+.
- Monday (3/11) – Toasty breakfast. Tasty savings. Waking up to Free 5 pc. French Toast Sticks with a $1+ purchase will definitely sweeten up your Monday morning.
- Tuesday (3/12) – Squeeze this deal into your morning. Enjoy a free bottle of Simply OJ with a $1+ purchase.
- Wednesday (3/13) – The perfect accompaniment to any breakfast, get an order of large Hash Browns that are free with a $1+ purchase.
- Thursday (3/14) – Pie for breakfast? To celebrate Pi Day, enjoy a free Hershey’s Sundae Pie with a $3.14+ purchase all day long.
- Friday (3/15) – Recharge anytime with this all-day deal. Enjoy a morning boost or a mid-day pick-me-up with a free large Vanilla Iced Coffee with a $1+ purchase.
- Saturday (3/16) – Celebrate the last day of Perks Week with a free Sausage Biscuit with a $1+ purchase and add more sizzle to your Saturday.
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Deals
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