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Jack Link’s is offering an exciting deal where you can get 4 free cans of their delicious chili after purchasing 5 cans at Walmart. Whether you shop in-store or online, you can easily take advantage of this offer and get reimbursed via Venmo or PayPal for up to $15.92. It’s a perfect way to stock up on hearty chili while saving big!
How to Claim the Offer:
1. Purchase 5 cans of Jack Link’s Chili at Walmart.
2. Sign up below for the offer here.
3. Submit proof of purchase to be reimbursed for the cost of 4 cans.
Important Details:
• Valid for both in-store and online purchases.
• Offer excludes third-party vendors.
• Limit one redemption per customer.
• Reimbursement available via Venmo or PayPal.
Take advantage of this tasty deal and stock up on Jack Link’s Chili today! Don’t forget to submit your rebate to get your 4 cans free!
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Deals
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