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Celebrate National Pumpkin Day with a delicious BOGO Pumpkin Smoothie deal at Jamba Juice on October 26th-27th! Enjoy the perfect fall flavor in Jamba’s signature smoothies, blending creamy pumpkin goodness with the refreshing smoothie taste you love.
This deal is exclusively for Rewards Members, at participating Jamba locations. If your not a reward member sign up now before the bogo deal!
How to Redeem the BOGO Offer:
1. Visit a participating Jamba Juice location on October 26th or 27th.
2. Purchase any pumpkin smoothie at regular price.
3. Get a second pumpkin smoothie of equal or lesser value for free!
Important Details:
• Offer valid October 26th-27th, 2024.
• U.S. only, while supplies last.
• Valid at participating locations.
• Sign Up/Sign Into rewards account
Enjoy this limited-time pumpkin smoothie offer and celebrate fall in the tastiest way possible!
This Post Was Filed Under: Food Coupons, Hot Deals
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