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Join in the celebration of Foster Care Awareness Month by claiming your free Foster Love stickers. Show your support and spread awareness by displaying these stickers proudly.
Foster Care Facts:
• Children in Foster Care: Over 400,000 children are in foster care in the United States on any given day.
• Aging Out: Approximately 20,000 youth age out of the foster care system each year without being adopted or reunited with their families.
• Adoption: About 135,000 children are adopted in the U.S. each year, with around 59% from the child welfare system.
About Foster Love
Foster Love is an organization dedicated to providing resources and care for children in the foster system. They work to support foster families, raise awareness, and advocate for the needs of foster children. By participating in their campaigns and initiatives, you help bring attention to the challenges faced by these children and contribute to their well-being.
For more information on foster care and how you can help, visit Child Welfare Information Gateway.
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