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Here’s a list of the best Freebies and Deals at Walmart.
Right now you can get four Fabuloso Multi-Purpose Cleaners for just 67¢ each!
Simply grab four 16.9-ounce bottles at $1.97 each and pay $7.88.
After that, submit four times for $1.30 off one Fabuloso Shopkick Rebate to lower the final price to just 67¢ each, or $2.68 for all four!
FREE Knorr Products + $3.24 Moneymaker
Buy Knorr Rice Sides (5.7 oz) = $1.28
Buy Knorr Rice Cup (2.6 oz) = $2.98
Pay: $4.26
Submit for (x2) $3.25/1 Knorr Sides and Rice Cups Fetch Rewards (3250 points, x4/15, limit 3)
And submit for $1/1 Knorr Ready to Heat Rice Cup Ibotta Cashback (limit 5)
(Ibotta offers & amounts can vary by account)
Final Price: FREE + $3.24 Moneymaker
Free Koia Protein Shake
Buy Koia Protein Shake (12 oz) = $4.81
Pay: $4.81
Get Back: $4.81/1 Koia Free Protein Bottle Cashback (Sign Up & Upload Receipt, limit 1)
Final Price: FREE
Buy one Dr. Elsey’s Ultra Unscented Cat Litter (35 lb)
Pay: $17.98
Submit for Up to $22/1 Dr. Elsey’s Cat Litter Rebate (limit 1, new customers only)
Final price FREE
Buy 5 Gerber 1st Foods Baby Food (2 ct) @$0.98/ea = $4.90
Use $5 Off Gerber Products (limit 1) = -$5
(must sign up to get unique card number to use at checkout)
Final Price: FREE + 10¢ Moneymaker
We have more stuff we will add to this post later! If you want us to find something then leave a comment below! You can now sign in with google to our website to leave comments just fyi!
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Deals, Money Maker
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