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Wanna win a free DiGiorno pizza? Well you might if you enter in right now before the big game.
ENTRY: Single
ENDS: February 11, 2024 11:59PM ET
What the heck? Explain..
So…this is If, and only if, the football makes contact with an upright goal post, or the crossbar of the field goal, during a field goal or extra point attempt during the Game.
They are giving away two thousand five hundred (2,500) prizes will be awarded.
Each prize consists of one (1) DiGiorno pizza, awarded in the form of a coupon (each a “Prize”). Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) of each Prize: up to $11.99.
I always enter in these things and end up if you want a free $11.99 valued pizza go for it! 🍕
This Post Was Filed Under: Sweepstakes
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