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Surprise your kiddos with a special delivery from LEGO!
The LEGO Life Magazine is filled with activities, comics, posters, and engaging ideas for ages 5 to 9. Above all, it’s an awesome way to get them into reading and spending less screen time!
Here’s how to score your FREE LEGO magazine:
Simply sign in to your LEGO account or sign up for a free account.
Next, enter your mailing address.
Your child will receive their first FREE LEGO magazine by July and then five times a year after.
You can also download past issues and preview what’s included in the upcoming editions before signing up!
It’s absolutely 100% free and they ship the magazine for FREE! Your kids will love this and it’s so exciting to see our kids excited to check the mail! It’s a fun way to reward them all for FREE! Your kids will thank you for this one!
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