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Enter daily for your chance to win the Dr Pepper Fill Your Bracket with Flavor Instant Win Game! Ends April 2, 2024.
Promotion is only open to legal residents of the six (6) eligible group areas: IN, KY, OH, AK, CA, ID, OR, WA, AZ, LA, OK, TX, IL, MI, WI, AL, AR, FL, GA, MS, SC, TN, VA, WV, CO, KS, MO, MT, NE, NM, NV, UT or WY,
Prizes Include:
Two Hundred (200) Instant win game winners (” Prize Winner “) will receive one (1) $100 Digital Kroger Gift card. Six (6) Instant win game winners (” Prize Winner “) will receive one (1) $500 Digital Kroger Gift Cards. On or about two (2) business day after the Instant Win Game Period had ended, Administrator, an independent judging agency, shall perform a prize drawing, from among all Entries received, and pick Six (6) Grand Prize (” Grand Prize Winners “) winners, one in each of the six eligibility zones. Once confirmed, as detailed below, the Prize winner will receive Dr Pepper® soda for two years, fulfilled via one (1) 12pk Dr Pepper® Coupon per week for 23 months (ARV: $1,030), one (1) $1,000 Digital Kroger Gift Card, and a $99 Boost Membership (ARV: $2,129.50).
The total ARV of all prizes available to be awarded in the Promotion is thirty-five thousand seven hundred and seventy-four dollars (ARV: $35,774).
This Post Was Filed Under: Sweepstakes
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