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Garnier is hosting an exciting new sweepstakes where 50 lucky winners will score a Garnier prize pack from the Garnier Fructis Hair Filler Sweepstakes! Each prize pack, valued at $40, includes a variety of Garnier products designed to enhance your hair care routine.
How to Enter:
1. Take the Quiz: Visit the Garnier Fructis Hair Filler Sweepstakes page and take a short quiz to enter.
2. One-Time Entry: Submit your entry by October 15th.
3. Notification: Winners will be notified via e-mail.
Prize Details:
• Number of Winners: 50 lucky winners.
• Prize Pack Value: Each pack is worth $40.
• Contents: Various Garnier Fructis Hair Filler products.
This is a fantastic opportunity to enhance your hair care regimen with Garnier’s top products. Don’t miss out—enter today for your chance to win!
Good luck! 🍀👍
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