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Here’s your chance to win a year’s supply of Tide Pods laundry products! By entering the Tide Pods 1-Year Supply Sweepstakes, you can be one of two grand prize winners to receive a year’s worth of Tide Pods.
Plus, 104 weekly winners will score a $100 gift card.
Key Details:
• Grand Prize: One year’s supply of Tide Pods for two winners.
• Weekly Prizes: $100 gift card for 104 winners.
• Entry Frequency: Once per week.
• Deadline: Enter through June 30, 2026.
How to Enter:
1. Visit the Sweepstakes Page: Go to the official entry page. [ ENTER HERE ]
2. Sign Up: Enter your personal details as required.
3. Submit: Complete the entry form and submit.
4. Weekly Entries: Remember, you can enter once per week to increase your chances of winning!
Tips for Maximizing Your Chances:
• Set Reminders: Schedule a weekly reminder to enter the sweepstakes.
• Share with Friends: Some sweepstakes offer additional entries for referrals.
Good luck! This is an amazing opportunity to keep your laundry fresh and clean without the hassle of purchasing supplies for an entire year.
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