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Steamfast is currently offering a fantastic opportunity for three lucky winners to take home one of three specialized Summer Refresh Bundles. Each bundle is packed with premium Steamfast products designed to make your life easier and more stylish. Here’s what’s included in each bundle and how you can enter.
1. Cleaning Bundle:
• Canister Steam Cleaner: Ideal for deep cleaning a variety of surfaces including floors and carpets.
• Handheld Steam Cleaner: Perfect for small, targeted cleaning tasks.
• Handheld Garment Steamer: Keep your clothes wrinkle-free with this portable solution.
2. Crafting Bundle:
• Steam Press: Great for crafting projects that require precise pressing.
• Mini Steam Iron: Compact and handy for detail work in crafts.
• Handheld Garment Steamer: Useful for quick garment touch-ups.
3. Fashionista Bundle:
• Upright Fabric Steamer: Maintain your wardrobe with ease using this upright steamer.
• Jewelry Steam Cleaner: Safely clean and restore the shine of your jewelry.
• Handheld Garment Steamer: A versatile tool for keeping your clothes looking sharp.
How to Enter:
• Entry: One-time entry per person.
• Deadline: The sweepstakes ends on August 30, 2024, at 12:00 am.
• Eligibility: Open to U.S. residents aged 18 and over.
This is a great chance to score high-quality Steamfast products, so make sure to enter before the deadline!
This Post Was Filed Under: Sweepstakes
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