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As of February 15, 2024, NBA is offering a free year of NBA League Pass Premium for the calendar year, through February 2025.
How to claim
Go here and make an account.
Then enter in promo code below. This link should automatically apply it but it might not. The promo code is: ALLSTARTATUM
If you scroll to the bottom it will say:
Subtotal $22.99
Promo: 100% Monthly Discount x12 -$22.99/mo for 12 months
Total $0.00
How to Cancel
Because you will need a credit card to checkout, I thought I would mention how to cancel.
After you do all of that go here, click manage plan, and click the cancel subscription button.
It will be valid for the next year and you won’t have to remember to cancel next season.
What is it?
NBA League Pass Premium includes everything in the regular pass, plus the ability to watch games without commercials on up to three devices at once. A 12-month subscription gives you access to every out-of-market game across the NBA, live or on demand, and is viewable across devices.
If for some reason, the above links don’t work, you can manually do it all by just creating an account and using the promo code ALLSTARTATUM. That promotion code will take off the entire amount for the entire year you will pay nothing.
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