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Reminder! Its today! Check your app you will see this under rewards tab!
Mark your calendars because on June 6th 2024 you can snag a FREE 12 oz Strawberry Guava Lemonade SK Refresher at Smoothie King!
Valid on Thursday, June 6th in-store with the Smoothie King App.
No purchase necessary at all, its completely FREE!
How much caffeine is in a Refresher from Smoothie King?
SK Refreshers come in three different sizes: 20, 32, and 44 ounces. Each one contains a different amount of caffeine, but the 20-ounce cups of SK Refreshers have 63 mg of caffeine. That’s a solid pick-me-up in the middle of the day or even at the end of the day on your commute home from work. Right now, you can get a 20-oz SK Refresher at locations nationwide starting at $4.49.
The fine print says you must be a reward member and use the app. I never understand these other than i think they want more people to use their app so they offer freebies as an incentive. So make sure you sign up for an account before June 6th!
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