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Ready for a toothbrush upgrade?
Swing by here to grab your FREE 3-Sided Sonic Toothbrush Starter Kit from Triple Bristle—shipping is the only cost!
Grabbing this deal feels like a bargain, especially when a single Triple Bristle toothbrush is priced at $35 on Amazon and comes highly recommended! Triple Bristle is offering this free trial with confidence, betting you’ll be thrilled with your experience.
1 FREE Starter Kit – What’s Included??
- 1 Triple Bristle Starter Brush Head
- 1 Sonic Handle (batteries included)
- 1 Snap-on Brush Head Cover
- 1 Tongue Cleaner
- FREE – just pay $7.95 shipping
- You’ll receive a premium brush head in 30 days for $9.97, then every 60 days
If the Triple Bristle doesn’t win you over, simply end your subscription and keep the brush as their thank you for giving it a shot. However, if you find yourself loving it, there’s no need to take any action. After 30 days, they’ll ship a new brush head to you for just $9.97, including shipping, and continue to do so every 60 days.
Remember, you have the freedom to cancel at any time! You can cancel or modify it at any time in your account (you can also email them at or call 423-564-5549 to make changes). Also, you must cancel at least 72 hours prior to your next replacement head auto-shipment.
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