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Are you a fourth grader, or do you have a 4th grader? Or are you an educator?
If so, this is an amazing freebie!
4th graders can sign up for a FREE National Park pass that allows them (and their friends and families) to get into all federal lands and waters for free! Valid through August 2024! This includes educators!!
How it works
Follow the steps below, and you’ll be visiting America’s parks, lands, and waters in no time.
Get your pass
Get and print fourth-grade passes to our national lands and waters.
Educator Pass info
As a fourth-grade educator, you can download an activity and print paper passes for each of your students. This program only provides passes for fourth graders.
You’re a fourth-grade educator if:
You’re a teacher at a U.S. or U.S. military school, or
You’re an adult who engages fourth graders through a youth-serving organization. For example, a camp director, a home-school leader, an after-school leader, or a religious group leader.
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebie
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