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To get 5 FREE Disney Movie Insiders Points enter code: PAGURO
How to claim
All you have to do is log into your account then click on redeem on the bottom bar.
After you click that then you will have a pop up that pops up prompting you to apply your code. After you apply your code you will have 5 free insider points applied to your account! These add up and you can claim them for real prizes.
What are Disney Movie Insider points?
First off it’s FREE to join and you can earn some pretty cool collectable prizes.
If you recall we posted a Free Disney & Pixar Elemental Enamel Pin awhile back, that was free with free shipping. You can earn prizes like that as well as other prizes that cost points.
Disney Movie Insiders is a loyalty program that rewards you for being a fan of Disney, Marvel Studios, Star Wars, and Pixar movies. You can earn points, redeem rewards, and access exclusive content.
Want to learn more?
Select an option below for more details on Disney Movie Insiders:
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebie
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