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Do you love Menchie’s? If so, you’re in for a treat! In celebration of the release of Descendants: The Rise of Red, Menchie’s is offering a special deal. At 3 pm local time, the first 50 people at each participating store will receive 5 oz of FROYO for free.
How to Claim Your Free FROYO:
1. Locate Your Nearest Menchie’s: Find the nearest Menchie’s store by visiting their store locator.
2. Arrive Early: Make sure to arrive before 3 pm local time to increase your chances of being one of the first 50 customers.
3. Enjoy Your Free FROYO: Once you’re at the store, enjoy your free 5 oz of delicious frozen yogurt.
About the Celebration:
Descendants: The Rise of Red is an exciting new release that has fans of the series eagerly anticipating its premiere. To celebrate, Menchie’s is joining in the fun with this generous offer.
Additional Information:
• Limited Offer: This deal is available only to the first 50 people at each participating Menchie’s location.
• Event Timing: The offer begins at 3 pm local time, so make sure to get there early!
• Participating Locations: Check with your local Menchie’s to ensure they are participating in this celebration.
Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to enjoy some free froyo and celebrate the new Descendants release! For more details, visit the Menchie’s website.
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