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Get ready for a sweet treat! On Tuesday, October 29th, head over to Menchie’s at 3 PM for a special event celebrating the premiere of Disney’s NEW Wizards Beyond Waverly Place series.
The first 29 guests at each participating Menchie’s location will receive:
- FREE 5 oz. of Froyo.
- FREE Trick-or-Treat Bag—just in time for Halloween!
It’s the perfect excuse for some froyo fun, and you won’t want to miss out on this freebie! Be sure to arrive early to claim your spot as one of the first 29 guests.
On top of the free froyo event, you can also participate in Menchie’s Smile Challenge App Game, running from October 1st to October 31st! By playing, you have a chance to win FROYO a year!
Here’s how it works:
- Open Your Menchie’s App: Download and open the Menchie’s app to access the Smile Challenge.
- Scan Your App with Each Visit: Every time you visit a Menchie’s location, scan your app to collect Smile Challenge game pieces.
- Complete the Game: Collect all the game pieces to earn $5 in Menchie’s Money.
- Enter to Win Free Froyo for a Year: Once you complete the game, you’ll be entered for a chance to win FREE FROYO FOR A YEAR—the ultimate prize!
Important Details
- Free Froyo Event: Join the celebration on October 29th at 3 PM. The first 29 guests at each location will get a free 5 oz. froyo and a free trick-or-treat bag.
- Smile Challenge App Game: Play the game through the Menchie’s app from October 1st to October 31st for your chance to win free froyo for a year.
- App Required: Don’t forget to download the Menchie’s app to play the game and redeem rewards.
Links to Download the App and Learn More
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