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Yoy can earn $5 USD sent via email by a virtual visa prepaid card. You must qualify for this survey in order to receive the five dollars. You must complete their brief survey about cooking oils and answer the questions then provide your contact info at the end.
Your gift card will be sent via email within 2-4 weeks. Please note you will only be asked to provide your contact details if you are eligible! so, if you aren’t asked to provide your contact details, you weren’t selected as eligible. Yes, we know it’s only five dollars, no it’s not much but it’s free money anyways. If you really want the five dollars use common sense when answering the questions obviously they are looking for certain answers.
The survey is being done a company called VoiceFive they are utilizing a platform called which is a place where many companies use to conduct consumer research. Just sharing this information so you know where the money is coming from.
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebies
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