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Here’s another NEW fantastic freebie from Walgreens! You can score a FREE 8×10 photo print by simply adding the item to your cart and entering the promo code: EIGHT-TEN at checkout. This offer is available for a limited time only, and you’ll want to select free same-day pickup to avoid any shipping charges.
How to Get Walgreens Photos for Free:
Walgreens often runs promotions where you can get photo prints entirely for free, and savvy shoppers have taken full advantage of these offers. If you have a photo wall at home or love giving personalized photo gifts, these freebies are a goldmine.
1. Check the Walgreens Photo Page Regularly: Walgreens releases new promo codes frequently, sometimes even twice a month. These codes are usually only valid for a few days, so it’s crucial to keep an eye out for them.
2. Add an 8×10 Photo to Your Cart: Whether you’re using the Walgreens website or the app, upload your photo and add an 8×10 print to your cart.
3. Apply the Promo Code: Enter EIGHT-TEN at checkout to make your 8×10 print completely free.
4. Choose Free Same-Day Pickup: For the code to work, make sure you select a Walgreens store near you that offers free same-day pickup. This way, you won’t have to pay for shipping.
This offer may not work in the app, so it’s recommended to complete the process through the Walgreens website. Enjoy your free photo print, and be sure to check back regularly for more awesome deals like this!
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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