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Smoothie King is celebrating National Mutt Day today, July 31st, by treating every member of the family, including the furry ones! Bring your four-legged friend by for a special treat: a FREE Bark Blend.
• Date: Today, July 31st
• Offer: Free Bark Blend for your pet
• Celebration: National Mutt Day
Why Celebrate National Mutt Day with Smoothie King?
• Special Treat: Enjoy a unique treat for your dog with a free Bark Blend.
• Family Inclusion: Smoothie King believes in treating every member of the family, including your pets.
• Fun Outing: Take your pet out for a fun and healthy experience.
How to Participate:
1. Visit Smoothie King: Head to your nearest Smoothie King location with your dog.
2. Ask for the Bark Blend: Mention the National Mutt Day offer to get a free Bark Blend for your pet.
3. Enjoy: Watch your furry friend enjoy their special treat while you savor your favorite smoothie.
Celebrate this special day by treating your pet to something delicious and healthy at Smoothie King!
• Find a Smoothie King Location
Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to make National Mutt Day memorable for your beloved pet with a free Bark Blend from Smoothie King!
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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