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Mattress Firm and DoorDash are on the lookout for 10 energetic and creative student brand ambassadors to promote the importance of quality sleep on college campuses. This is a unique opportunity for students to engage with two major brands, gain valuable experience, and earn some great prizes.
How to Enter
From August 20-26, 2024, students can enter the contest by demonstrating their creativity, social media presence, and involvement on their college campuses. Participants must be enrolled in a university, have public TikTok and Instagram accounts, and be U.S. residents aged 18 or older. [ Submission Entry Here ]
The 10 selected grand prize winners will each receive:
• A bedroom makeover tailored to their personal style.
• Personalized promo codes to share with their peers.
• Various products to give away on their campus.
• The opportunity to represent Mattress Firm and DoorDash on their campus and across social media.
The ARV (Approximate Retail Value) of each grand prize is $750.
To be eligible for this opportunity, students must:
• Be enrolled in a U.S. university.
• Have public TikTok and Instagram accounts.
• Be at least 18 years old and U.S. residents.
This is an excellent chance for students who are active on social media and engaged in campus life to gain experience, enhance their profiles, and promote the benefits of good sleep.
If you’re not eligible for this opportunity, be sure to check out our other Freebies + Sweepstakes & Giveaways!
ENDS – August 26th, 2024. Don’t miss out!
• Official rules for this here
• Enter in your submission here
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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