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Here’s a great opportunity to try Brazi Bites Waffles for free! Follow these simple steps to get reimbursed via Venmo or PayPal after purchasing:
How to Claim Your Free Brazi Bites Waffles:
1. Enter Your Phone Number: Start by entering your phone number on the provided offer page. (here)
2. Purchase In-Store: Head to your local Whole Foods Market, Sprouts, or Wegmans and purchase one box of Brazi Bites Waffles.
3. Submit Your Receipt: After making your purchase, simply text a photo of your receipt to the provided number.
4. Get Reimbursed: Once your receipt is verified, you’ll be reimbursed for the cost of the waffles via Venmo or PayPal.
This offer is perfect for anyone looking to try a delicious and easy breakfast option while saving some money. Don’t miss out—get your free waffles today!
Note: Availability might vary by location, and the offer is valid while supplies last.
This Post Was Filed Under: Sweepstakes
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