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Heads up! You could score a free BVLGARI Le Gemme Sahare Fragrance sample just by keeping an eye on your Facebook and Instagram newsfeed. Although there are no direct links, here are some tips to increase the chances of the sample popping up for you!
How to Increase Your Chances of Getting the Sample:
1. Engage with BVLGARI’s Social Media:
• Head over to their pages and like a few posts.
• BVLGARI on HERE (Facebook)
• BVLGARI on Instagram HERE (Instagram)
2. Search for the Product:
• Look up BVLGARI Le Gemme Sahare Fragrance on Facebook, Instagram, and Google. This signals your interest and can increase the likelihood of seeing the ad.
3. Be on the Lookout:
• After engaging with their content, keep an eye on your newsfeed. Sponsored ads offering the free sample could show up, allowing you to claim this luxurious freebie!
What is a Sponsored Ad?
A Sponsored Ad is a paid advertisement that appears in your social media feed based on your activity and engagement. By interacting with BVLGARI’s content and searching for their fragrance, you increase the chances of seeing their sponsored sample ad.
• Like and Interact on HERE (Facebook)
• Like and Interact on HERE (Instagram)
Be sure to check your feed regularly, and you might just score this BVLGARI Le Gemme Sahare Fragrance sample for free!
This Post Was Filed Under: BOLO Freebies
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