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Get ready for a unique freebie from Coffee Mate! On THIS Monday September 30th, Coffee Mate is giving away a FREE 16 oz. bottle of their Bagel & Cream Cheese Inspired Coffee Creamer. Be one of the first to sign up and claim yours while supplies last.
But that’s not all! More chances to score a freebie will be available on September 19th and September 30th—so mark your calendars!
Limited Quantities Available; While Supplies Last
-Dairy (Not lactose free)-First Drop: September 13th, 12pm EST
-Second Drop: September 19th, 12pm EST
-Third Drop: September 30th, 12pm EST (INCLUDES Free ground shipping)
Limit: One per person
Void in CO, LA, MN, NY, NJ, ND and where prohibited
Please expect 5-7 weeks for shipment.
Make sure to sign up quickly on the release dates to snag this one-of-a-kind flavor!
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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