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Sir Kensington’s is offering a limited opportunity to get a coupon for a free product off their product line. They offer multiple different types of sauces from mayonnaise to everything sauces. You can see more of their product line (here)
We have never heard of them until now but it does seem interesting.
So how do you get your free coupon?
- Click the “ Get Coupon” button
- Fill put the required information
- And wait for your email.
Please note: This is only being offered for the first 10,000 people who apply only! THIS Ends 2/15/24 or while supplies last WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. Hurry because they are at 3,000 at the time of this posting!
Open to 50 U.S. & D.C., 18+. Limit 1 offer per participant. Ends 2/15/24 or while supplies last. Visit for full Terms & Conditions.
This Post Was Filed Under: Deals
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