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Its that time of the year again, covid is coming back just like the flu. That is why you should stock up on these before they run out.
Note: Even if you’ve previously received free at-home COVID test kits, you’re still eligible for this new offer. If you have unused tests at home, now is the perfect time to check their expiration dates or see if their validity has been extended.
Expired kits Extended
Did you know? Tests may show “expired” dates on the box, but FDA has extended those dates; see the full list of extended expiration dates.
Fun fact: The program has distributed over 900 million tests directly to American households.
What you get
As of late September 2024, residential households in the U.S. are eligible for another order of #4 free at-home tests from
Here’s what you need to know about your order:
- Each order includes #4 individual rapid antigen COVID-19 tests ( has more details about at-home tests, including extended shelf life and updated expiration dates)
- Orders will ship free, starting September 30, 2024
Thank u!!! 🙏
Back as of 9/26/2024