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Sign up to receive a FREE $25 gift card from Diamond.
Here’s how:
1. Sign Up: Enter your details on the DiamondCBD website.
2. Check Your Inbox: Look for an email with your $25 promo code.
3. Add Products to Cart: Add your desired products to your cart. Remember, shipping is $9.99, but you can use your gift card to cover this cost.
4. Checkout: Apply your gift card at checkout to bring your total to $0.00.
Note: This offer is popular, and their site may experience errors when ordering, so keep trying if you encounter issues.
About the Product:
DiamondCBD Gummies are crafted with high-quality CBD, offering a delicious way to experience the benefits of cannabidiol. Suitable for relaxation and overall well-being, these gummies are perfect for those looking to try CBD products. Valid for those 21+ only.
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