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Get ready for a sweet celebration! Dairy Queen is giving away free Dilly Bars on July 21st in honor of National Ice Cream Day.
How to Get Your Free Dilly Bar
1. Visit Dairy Queen
Head over to any participating Dairy Queen location on July 21st to claim your free Dilly Bar. This classic treat is a fan favorite, featuring a creamy vanilla center coated in a delicious chocolate shell.
2. No Purchase Necessary
You don’t need to make any purchase to enjoy this offer. Simply show up and request your free Dilly Bar – it’s that easy!
3. Participating Locations
Make sure to visit participating Dairy Queen locations. You can use the store locator on the Dairy Queen website to find the nearest location. [ FIND YOUR LOCAL LOCATION HERE ]
Why Celebrate with a Dilly Bar?
• Classic Treat: The Dilly Bar has been a Dairy Queen staple for years, known for its perfect combination of creamy and crunchy textures.
• Free and Delicious: Enjoying a free Dilly Bar is a great way to celebrate National Ice Cream Day without spending a dime.
• Perfect Summer Treat: Cool off with this refreshing ice cream treat on a hot summer day.
Additional Promotions
Dairy Queen often has other promotions and deals, especially around National Ice Cream Day. Be sure to check their official website for more information and to see what other tasty offers might be available. You can read more about them here.
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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