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Need some AAA batteries? Now is the time to stock up at Office Depot!
Offer Information:
Run to Office Depot and grab a pack of Duracell Optimum AA/AAA 16 pack & 24 pack Batteries and get 100% back on your rewards account. Log in/Register and make the most of this amazing promo. Stock up now!
Product Description:
100% back in Bonus Rewards on Duracell Coppertop AA/AAA 16-pk & 24-pk Batteries valid only at and in-store from 1/7/24 to 1/13/24 11:59 PM ET or until supplies last, whichever occurs first. Rewards are limited to 2 items per member. This offer cannot be combined with other Bonus Rewards offers on the same or similar products and services.
Additional information
If you don’t have a rewards account you can sign up here for free (Here) it’s completely free and just takes a few minutes. Having a rewards account will be the only way to take up on this offer, JUST FYI.
Also this isn’t a cash back offer this is a simply a rewards offer that can be used at office max in the future. It’s a good deal if you use office max occasionally or frequently. (Like Schools or businesses )
Your Bonus Rewards certificate will be available in your online account within 5 weeks.
This Post Was Filed Under: Deals
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