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Update: Please note: if they start charging for shipping the samples ran out!
We posted this sample a while ago and they ran out of samples so fast. We finally received ours and got notified that they have both back in stock!
We only claimed the air-dried turkey recipe and never did the from the sea recipe. Not sure if you can ask for both samples but its worth a shot!
Thats what we received above ๐๐ฝ
How to claim yours
Easy, just click either link below or both links of what sample product you want and you will be taken to the free sample page. Add the items to the cart and they will be free with free shipping!
If you want the free Wisdom Air-Dried Turkey Recipe Sample. [ CLICK HERE ]
If you want the free Wisdom Air-Dried From the Sea Recipe Sample [ CLICK HERE ]
Keep in mind ours took 5 weeks to arrive and these are new links! No other freebie sites or groups have these links! Make sure you sign up for our newsletter or join our sister site!
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebies
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