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Here is a hot offer from Fandango!
Right now you can head to the link below to score a free movie ticket to see the movie “Someone Like You”.
Available while supplies last!
Movie opens in theaters starting April 2nd, 2024.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is SOMEONE LIKE YOU about?
Based on the popular novel by #1 NY Times Bestselling author Karen Kingsbury, Someone Like You is an achingly beautiful redemptive love story. Shocking news hits after young architect Dawson Gage loses his best friend, London Quinn. Now in his heartbreak, Dawson is compelled to launch an impossible search for London’s secret twin sister, twins separated as embryos. But along the way, Dawson never planned to fall in love. This love story has a message of hope for all people.
Who should claim a SHARE THE HOPE free ticket?
If you cannot afford to see Someone Like You, then this is for you! Because of the generosity of kind-hearted strangers, you can see this hope-filled movie at no cost. Remember, somewhere out there, a stranger cares about you!
What if there are no more free promo codes to see SOMEONE LIKE YOU?
Check back often! Additional donated funds for more free tickets may be available soon.
How can I get a Promo Code to SOMEONE LIKE YOU?
Visit LINK and click on “Claim Free Promo Code,” then follow a few simple steps shown on screen. See complete Offer Terms here.
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