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Still working 3/15/24
Free Fitting Kit
All you have to do to claim this freebie is head on over to Gimme Beauty (Here) and check out the site. Then you should see this notification pop up below.
You have to sign up for email + Sms and you get 5 uniquely designed hair bands!
This is what the popup looks like ๐๐พ
FREE GIMME Beauty Dry Shampoo
This one is a coupon code so read carefully.
You get your first FULL SIZE bottle of Gimme Dry Shampoo for FREE with FREE shipping when you use the promo code GIMMEFREE1STMON at checkout!
Please note: This is a subscription but you can cancel at anytime if you don’t want to receive any further shipments after your free bottle.
All you do is select the Subscribe & SAVE option then choose 3 Months and add to cart. Enter the code above to drop your total to $0.00 then place your order.
IMPORTANT: Your subscription will automatically renew and your credit card will automatically be charged the subscription price according to the Order summary until you cancel your subscription. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebie, Freebies
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