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Update – We have made over 650 points by playing every now and then. Its free and takes a few seconds to know if u instantly won or not.
Update 8/27
If you haven’t taken advantage of this yet, YOU NEED TO. It ends soon and we have earned a ton of free stuff from this.
You Can Get Possible Free Food at Casey’s General Store just for using the app and playing scratch and win.
Casey’s Rewards members can play the daily Scratch, Match, and Win Instant Win Game in their app.
It goes until September 5, and there are lot of free food and point offers that you’ll definitely win if you play daily.
Note: If you sign up today you will have to wait a full 24 hours until you can play it. It’s gonna say “Try again tomorrow, you get a free play daily”.
All you do after you click the link above is go into the app and click on play now.
You can use our referral code for additional bonus points as well of you would like. We just signed up to see if it is legit like we do with all posts before sharing them with u all.
Le91T16605This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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