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Get ready to score some free GNC Protein Bars with this rebate offer! Here’s how you can claim yours:
1. Purchase: Head to your local GNC retailer and purchase some GNC Protein Bars.
2. Claim Your Rebate: After your purchase, visit the specific rebate page (redirected through Facebook) to claim your rebate. You’ll be able to choose between PayPal or Venmo for your cashback.
How to Access the Offer:
• Facebook Redirect: The link to the rebate page has to redirect through Facebook to work. Simply click “follow link” when prompted, and you’ll be taken directly to the offer page where you can submit your claim. [ LINK HERE ]
This is a limited-time offer, so be sure to make your purchase and submit your rebate claim before it expires! Enjoy your free protein bars!
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Samples
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