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Veterans and active military personnel can enjoy a free meal at TravelCenters of America on July 4th! This offer is a tribute to those who have served, providing a complimentary meal at participating TA, Petro, and TA Express restaurants nationwide. Celebrate Independence Day with a delicious, free meal. Here’s how to claim this special offer:
How to Get Your Free Meal:
1. Visit a Participating Location: Go to any TravelCenters of America location on July 4th.
2. Show Proof of Military Service: Present your proof of military service to your server before ordering.
3. Choose Your Meal: Select your complimentary meal from the available options.
Note: Offer valid only in the U.S. on July 4th, 2024. Proof of military service is required. Available at participating locations while supplies last.
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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