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We received ours and this is what it looks like!
Its still working and we posted this earlier this month so i would say this came fairly quickly! It was 100% free with free shipping.
How to claim
Then download the Hiive app from the Apple Store then sign up to get a free $25 credit.
Search ‘Coffee’ ton locate the free bundle then add to cart and checkout. (Currently there are two options to choose from.
Additional information
Please note: It will say “follow” so and so on instagram. All you have to do is click the button that says follow and you do that have to follow them. Then it will unlock the “add to cart” button. (It will also open a link in your internet browser but we just closed it when we clicked follow, sorry we didn’t record that part. We wanted to verify that this worked before posting it.)
Also we don’t care for the app just FYI. But this is just a freebie that you can get for free by following these easy instructions.
Also we don’t know if this will work on android.. sorry.
This “hiive” app seems okay, just not our cup of tea. Some of the deals on there are alright but it is a new app and I am not sure what to think of it. We just wanted to share this freebie.
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This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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